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  • It was an enormous enterprise and I travelled all over Europe and the States, met German chancellor Willi Brandt and many others who wanted to help.

    John Lennon, Cynthia 2005

  • A couple of days later Willi Brandt, then Mayor of Berlin, came to address us and during social time, noticing my Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament badge, asked me good-humouredly on which side of the wall I was planning to sit down.

    Propeller Most Popular Stories 2009

  • A couple of days later Willi Brandt, then Mayor of Berlin, came to address us and during social time, noticing my Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament badge, asked me good-humouredly on which side of the wall I was planning to sit down.

    Propeller Most Popular Stories 2009

  • I seriously doubt that your remarks about Harry Reid’s mother are true, but, by the way, former German Chancellor and Nobel Peace Prize winner Willi Brandt was definitely born out of wedlock and never met his father.

    Think Progress » Santorum: Bush’s Iraq Approach Is ‘Lincolnesque’ 2007


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